Address:Industrial garden of Weishi County,Henan Province,China
Nowadays, agricultural tractor with disc harrow is the indispensable farming machine for farmers. And tractors applied in agriculture include walking tractor and farm wheel tractor. According to the size, wheel tractor can be divided from 25hp to 140hp. Among of which, the 100hp farm tractor is the hot sale one.
100hp tractor applied in farm field own 100 horse power to accomplish the large task for your land. Such 100hp tractor produced by Henan Qianli Machinery Co.,Ltd (CHALION) is designed with CATII three point linkage at the back of tractor. Thus, CHALION tractor can suspend all kinds of farm implements through that linkage. For example, 100hp agricultural tractor with disc harrow for sale can help farmer with more task such as breaking up virgin land, to chop material, and to incorporate it into the top soil, etc.
Disc harrow for sale consists of many carbon steel and sometimes the longer lasting boron discs, which have many varying concavities and disc blade sizes and spacing and which are arranged into two sections or four sections.
As a professional farm tractor manufacturer, CHALION supply you with high quality farm tractors with disc harrow, disc plough, trailer, etc. If you need tractors with disc harrow, welcome to contact CHALION.